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The budget provides the framework for all financial decisions of the division. Frederick County Public Schools' budget process is outlined in Policy 709P, Operations and Finance - Budget. The Superintendent, with assistance from staff, prepares a preliminary budget. Many factors influence the proposed budget and include, but are not limited to, economic conditions, enrollment growth, public input, and initiatives that support the FCPS mission and goals.

FY26 Budget

FY25 Budget

Financial Reports

ASBO Meritorious Budget Award

Frederick County Public Schools has been awarded the Meritorious Budget Award for excellence in the preparation and issuance of its budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24, presented by the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). ASBO International’s MBA and Pathway to the MBA promote and recognize best budget presentation practices in school districts. Participants submit their applications and budget documents to a panel of school financial professionals who review the materials for compliance with the MBA Criteria Checklist and other requirements and provide expert feedback that districts can use to improve their budget documents. “Districts that apply to the MBA or Pathway to the MBA programs recognize the importance of presenting a high-quality, easy-to-understand budget internally and to the community,” ASBO International Executive Director David J. Lewis explains.

GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to Frederick County Public Schools, Virginia, for its Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 01, 2023. To receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device. The GFOA award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting.