Media and Communications
The Media and Communications department works to enhance communications between the school board, FCPS staff and the general public in order to build a public understanding and support for FCPS.
The Director of Media and Communications provides communications and public information services to the school division, each department and school as well as functioning as the communications contact during emergencies on division or school levels.
The department establishes public information training sessions for staff and parent groups, serves as the division's liaison with community groups, develops ways to bring the community into the schools and coordinates the school board's Awards of Excellence program.
All media contacts for FCPS or individual schools and/or employees are to be coordinated through the Media and Communications department.
Media and Communications Staff
Tara Helkowski
Executive Director of Media and Communications
Liesl Baldwin
Coordinator, Family and Community Engagement
Jeff Conrad
Audiovisual Specialist
Tim Farris
Audiovisual Specialist
Lora Jarrell
Communications and Digital Design Specialist
Amy Scott
Communications Specialist
Nancy VanGorden
Media Technician (Publications)