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Student Support Services

Attendance/Truancy Case Management

Student Support Specialists provide one-on-one assistance to schools and families to address student absenteeism and proactively resolve truancy.

Homebound/Homebased/Home Instruction

Please contact Mary Moore, for more information on the following:

Homebound Instruction

Homebound Instruction means academic instruction provided to students who are confined at home or in a health care facility for periods of time that prevent normal school attendance, based upon certification of need by a licensed physician or a licensed clinical psychologist.

Home Educational Services

Home Educational Services means instruction provided in the home setting as a result of a disciplinary action or other administrative decision unrelated to an IEP.

Home Instruction

Frederick County Public Schools recognizes that when the requirements of Va. Code 22.1-254.1 are complied with instruction of children by their parents is an acceptable alternative form of education under the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any parent of any child who will have reached the fifth birthday on or before September 30 of any school year and who has not passed the eighteenth birthday may elect to provide home instruction in lieu of school attendance if the parent:

  • holds a high school diploma or higher credential (but not a high school equivalency certificate) and provides the school division with a description of the curriculum to be followed; or
  • meets the qualifications for a teacher as prescribed by the Board of Education and provides the school division with a description of the curriculum to be following; or
  • provides a program of study or curriculum which may be delivered through a correspondence school or distance learning program or any other manner; or
  • provides evidence that the parent is able to provide an adequate education for the child.

Homeless Liaison/Foster Connections

The Homeless Liaison shall coordinate and collaborate with the state coordinator, community and school personnel responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless students. They shall connect families with the appropriate resources and/ or agencies within the community. Additionally, the liaison helps provide services to the children and youth that are eligible for McKinney-Vento rights and services (Homeless Act) that help support them with overcoming obstacles and barriers to receiving his or her education.

For more information regarding the education of homeless or foster care students contact Tyler L. Thompson.


School Health Administration

Manages school health programs and supports educational staff. Serves as health advisory resource for administrators, staff members, students, parents and community members. Please contact Pam Unhoch, Coordinator of Health Services, or the nurse at your child's school for more information.

Other Programs

Student Support Services also provides leadership on substance abuse prevention and education; character education; social-emotional learning programs; bullying prevention; mental health support; attendance incentives; administrative variance process; threat assessment procedures; and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).