The Transportation Center is designed to serve both Frederick County Public Schools and the Frederick County government into the future and provides for greater efficiency and cost savings.
Transportation Center Facts
- The Transportation Center includes an administration building, a service building, a tire changing/fueling/washing building and a covered parking area for tow trucks, snow removal equipment, etc.
- The administration building at the Transportation Center is Frederick County’s first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified facility. The facility provides energy conservation and financial savings.
- At build-out, the Transportation Center will include asphalt parking for 295 buses and 350 cars/light duty vehicles.
- The Transportation Center serves both Frederick County Public Schools and the Frederick County government. The school division bills the county government for any services provided to county government vehicles.
- Although the new Transportation Center includes parking and fueling facilities, the other satellite bus parking and fueling facilities remain operational. Using the satellite facilities increases efficiency, saves fuel and reduces costs.
Attendance Zone Maps
General attendance zone maps are below. To identify an attendance zone for a particular address, please use the "Find Your School" feature.
2261 Front Royal Pike
Winchester, VA 22602
Logan Sheppard
Director of Transportation
Calvin Davis
Assistant Director of Transportation
Beth Brown
Supervisor of Driver Operations
Drivers Wanted
Learn more about becoming an FCPS school bus driver. No experience necessary.