MS4 Program
The purpose of this small Municipal Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Plan is to develop, implement, and enforce strategies designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the Millbrook High School/Redbud Run Elementary School Campus to the maximum extent practicable by both education and action.
- MS4 Program Plan (with Appendices)
- Illicit Discharge Reporting Form - Please be mindful of and report any suspected illicit discharges to the main office and provide contact information for reporting to the Facilities Services Department. The form is a sample of the information that you will need to provide to the Facilities Services Department, as they assume the responsibility of investigating and doing follow-up on the illicit discharge issue.
- Erosion and Sediment Control Issues Reporting Form - If you suspect any erosion and sediment control issues on the site, please report them to the main office and provide contact information. The form is a sample of the information that you will need to provide to Facilities Services Department in order for them to investigate the issues.
- General Permit Coverage Letter (11/1/23)
- MS4 General Permit (2023-28)
- MS4 Annual Report (Y1 2023-24)
- Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan - Phase 3 (Draft Rev.) - Available for public review and comment until February 15, 2025.
If you have questions or comments, please submit them using this MS4 Comment Form.
Additional Resources