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Distribution of Materials

Frederick County Public Schools provides eflyer distribution via Peachjar, a free online service that allows parents/guardians to receive eflyers from their child's school as well as governmental and nonprofit community organizations. Peachjar charges nonschool organizations a fee for its service. The fee is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.

Frederick County School Board policy (618P, Community Relations - Distribution of Information/Materials) requires that requests to distribute any nonschool materials be approved in advance by the Superintendent or his/her designee (Director of Policy and Communications). Governmental and nonprofit community organizations who wish to distribute information to students and/or staff must request approval at least two weeks in advance.

  • Go to the Peachjar website
  • Register as an Enrichment/Community Organization (account type)
  • Upload your flyer (Your flyer will be automatically sent to the FCPS division office for approval.)
  • Using the tools provided by Peachjar, ensure that all content complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Frederick County Public Schools is required to comply with WCAG standards which are designed to make Web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Flyers that do not comply with WCAG standards will not be approved for distribution
  • Upon approval, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted on school websites

Approval will be granted only for materials from governmental and nonprofit community organizations regarding activities related to the educational mission of FCPS. Approval will not be given for materials which:

  • are likely to cause substantial disruption of, or a material interference with, school activities
  • endorse or encourage the use of alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes or any illegal substance or action
  • endorse or encourage any violation of the Code of Student Conduct (Policy 402P and Regulation 402R-A)
  • are obscene, pornographic or defamatory

All materials submitted for approval must clearly indicate their source and must include the following statement in a font size of at least 12 point that is easily readable: "These materials, and the activity described herein, are not sponsored or endorsed by Frederick County Public Schools."