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Disclaimer/Privacy Policy


Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) provides links to websites that are not controlled, maintained or regulated by FCPS or any organization affiliated with FCPS, and, as such, FCPS is not responsible for the content of those websites. Use of information obtained from those websites is voluntary, and reliance on that information should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy. Reference at those websites to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or preference by FCPS. In no way should an external link be considered any form of endorsement by Frederick County Public Schools. Further, the inclusion of pointers to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed or products or services offered by the author of the reference or on the website featured through the hypertext or hyperlink. While school staff review links when they are inserted, the content may change. If you find any linked content you consider inappropriate, please bring the matter to the attention of the FCPS webmaster at Outside source Web pages may link to other pages that have not been reviewed; explore at your own risk.

Privacy Policy

The County School Board of Frederick County, Virginia, does not collect any information from users of this website, including personally identifiable information. No information is automatically collected from users of this website and no “cookies” or other identifiers are placed on the users’ computers when accessing this website. From time to time, this website may include applications, surveys or other data collection programs through which users may voluntarily submit information to the school board regarding employee or student issues. However, no such information will be collected without prior notice to the users regarding: (1) the specific information requested, (2) how the information will be used, and (3) how the information will be stored. Any questions related to this privacy statement should be directed to the Frederick County Public Schools’ Director of Information Technology.