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Enrolling Students


Frederick County Public Schools will continue to offer a preschool program to serve at-risk four-year-olds during the 2024-25 school year. The program will serve up to 72 students residing in the Apple Pie Ridge, Evendale, Gainesboro, Indian Hollow, Jordan Springs, Middletown, Redbud Run and Stonewall elementary school attendance zones. The students will be equally divided into four classrooms. The classes will be held at Apple Pie Ridge, Gainesboro, Evendale and Stonewall elementary schools.

FCPS Preschool Information 
2024-25 Preschool Initial Application Form -  English
2024-25 Preschool Initial Application Form - Spanish

Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Registration is open for students who will be entering Frederick County Public Schools in the 2024-25 school year. All children who will be five years of age on or before September 30, 2024, must register for kindergarten. 

Step 1: Please call the registrar at the school the student will attend to schedule a registration appointment or to start the registration process remotely.

Step 2: Gather documents. Parents registering their children are required to provide the following documentation:

  • Photo ID of Person Registering Student (choose one):
    • Valid/current Virginia Driver’s license
    • Valid/current Photo ID Card (from the DMV)
    • Valid/current Passport
  • Proof of Residency (choose two from the list of acceptable proof of residency below)
  • Birth Certificate (issued by state)
  • Immunization Record
  • Physical Examination (elementary only)

A physical examination form should be completed by a physician no earlier than 12 months prior to the date of entrance into school if student is enrolling in public school for the first time. For students who have been enrolled in public school previously, the physical examination form submitted at the time of first enrollment may be used.

During registration, you will be asked to sign a release form, allowing Frederick County Public Schools to request records from the previous school attended.

Acceptable Proof of Residency

Parents must present two forms of proof that they reside in the attendance zone in which they are enrolling students:

Residency Documents (choose two):

  • Electric bill
  • Oil bill
  • Gas bill (Natural or Propane – if attached to home)
  • Water/sewer bill
  • Cable/satellite TV bill
  • Property tax bill (for residence)
  • Mortgage statement/bill
  • House purchase contract (with signatures & date) (verify address on contract – no additions should be made to original contract)
  • Home owner’s insurance policy (coverage must be current) (verify address on contract)
  • Rental/Lease contract (with signatures & date) (verify address on contract – no additions should be made to original contract)
  • Renter’s insurance policy (for residence – coverage must be current)

Not Accepted:

  • Bills more than 2 months prior to current date
  • Bank statements
  • Phone bills