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Inclement Weather Procedures

When a storm brings snow, ice, freezing rain, flooding or other hazardous conditions to Frederick County or an emergency situation occurs, care for safety may necessitate closing schools, dismissing early or opening them later than usual in the morning.

When the Decision Is Made

If weather conditions occur that make it obvious our schools will not be able to operate the following day, an announcement for the next day is sent out on the FCPS Rapid Communications System and is communicated to radio and television stations. If the situation is uncertain or a storm develops during the night, the decision is not made and announced until early the following morning. A decision for the county must be made no later than 5:30 a.m. in order for announcements to be made in a timely manner.

How the Decision Is Made

The assistant superintendent for administration, director of transportation and other transportation employees check weather and road conditions in different sections of the county. They also coordinate with the highway department, public safety officials and each other. In addition, school officials take a firsthand look by driving some county school bus routes. The next step may involve checking with other school superintendents, particularly those in Winchester as well as, Clarke, Shenandoah, and Warren counties. Finally, a recommendation from the assistant superintendent for administration and the director of transportation is presented to the superintendent, and a final decision is made.

Lines of Communication

After a decision to close school or delay opening is made, an announcement is sent out on the FCPS Rapid Communication System and is communicated to local TV and radio stations.

The decision will be broadcast shortly after the station is called. In addition, Frederick County Public Schools’ information line at 540-722-6443 or 540-662-3889, ext. 6, and Cable Channel 18 will have information on emergency school closings.

Additionally, the information may be accessed by going to the Frederick County Public Schools website and the Frederick County Schools Facebook page.

It is important that parents and students not telephone the stations for information about school closings. Such efforts may block delivery of the very information the individual wishes to obtain by preventing a call from a school official with the announcement.

Two-hour Delay

A two-hour delay may, at times, be announced. When this occurs, students will be picked up two hours later than usual, and breakfast will be served at school.

Early Dismissal

A storm can develop or conditions can become hazardous at any time in the morning necessitating an early closing. If this occurs, high schools will be dismissed at Noon, middle schools at 12:15 p.m. and elementary schools at 1:00 p.m. When early dismissal is announced, parents may go to the schools and pick up their children. We ask your cooperation in parking to avoid dangerous situations for students and buses. During serious weather conditions, these times may be changed and announced on the identified communication channels.

Differing Road Conditions

The condition of relatively narrow secondary roads bears heavily on the decision to close schools as well as to reopen them. Sometimes patrons ask why schools are not in session after students have been out a day or two and roads in Winchester and the suburbs are clear. The decision for the entire school system is made in relation to the condition of all roads in Frederick County. Many times city and suburban streets are in good condition for travel, but some secondary roads remain icy and very dangerous.

Frederick County has approximately 650 miles of highways. This includes 26 miles of I-81, 101 miles of primary highways, and 523 miles of secondary roads, including 172 miles of unpaved roads. The heavily traveled routes (I-81, Rt. 37, and U.S. 11, 50, and 522) are always cleared prior to secondary roads.

Emergency Snow Routes

If icy conditions persist, it may be necessary to operate schools and have reduced bus routes. If this occurs, the announcement will state that buses will operate on the emergency snow routes. Parents on roads where buses will not operate should get their children to the location designated on the emergency snow routes until the bus can resume its regular route. This information will be sent to parents living on the emergency snow routes.

Bad Weather Days in School Calendar

The 2024-25 school calendar has a fixed last day of school, May 29, 2025. 

Concern for Safety

Any decision about closing schools is made with safety of the students as the primary concern.
