Sports & Activities
Participation in Sports
What are the eligibility requirements for student-athletes?
In order for a student to be eligible to participate in middle or high school interscholastic athletics, they must meet the eligibility requirements set forth by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) as well as the requirements in Frederick County Public Schools Regulation 311R, Students-Interscholastic Competition. In addition, parental permission and a physical examination by a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant licenced to practice in the the United States are required for a student to participate in athletics.
Sports Physicals and Insurance
Does a student have to have a physical examination before trying out for an athletic team?
Yes. In order to participate in interscholastic athletics, the VHSL Athletic Participation Physical Examination Form must be completed and on file at the Frederick County Public Schools Administration Building before a student may try out for an athletic team. Sports physicals are only valid from May 1 of the current year through June 30 of the succeeding year.
The VHSL Athletic Participation Physical Examination Form should be returned to your student's school.
Forms will be accepted Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (In June and July forms will be accepted Monday-Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Does FCPS provide students with an opportunity to receive a sports physical?
FCPS does not facilitate sports physicals. Parents are strongly encouraged to arrange for the sports physical to be conducted by their child's health care provider who is better able to identify any conditions that may limit participation in athletics.
What if my child doesn't have a health care provider?
Individuals who need help in locating a health care provider who conducts sports physicals should contact FCPS Coordinator of Health Services, Pam Unhoch, at 540-662-3889 ext. 88131. Mrs. Unhoch can provide a list of local physicians and walk-in clinics, including the local health department, that are able to provide physical examinations.
Does a student have to be covered by medical insurance to participate in interscholastic sports?
Yes. A student must have medical insurance in order to participate in interscholastic athletics. If a child does not have medical coverage, student accident insurance protection can be purchased. Information on the student accident insurance protection will be available at all Frederick County Public Schools.
Pay to Participate
What is a "pay to participate" fee?
In 2011, the school board implemented a "pay to participate" fee for high school student-athletes. The fee is $75 per student, per sport.
What does the "pay to participate" fee fund?
The "pay to participate" fee helps to cover the cost of the athletic training services offered to all high school student-athletes.
Does paying the "pay to participate fee" mean all team members will receive playing time?
There is no relationship between "pay to participate" fees and a guarantee of student playing time. Playing time for athletes is at the sole discretion of the head coach and his/her staff.
Do students serving as managers have to pay the "pay to participate" fee?
The "pay to participate" fee applies to all Virginia High School League athletic activities. Students serving as managers are not required to pay the fee.
What happens if financial circumstances make it difficult for a student to pay the "pay to participate" fee?
Students and/or families whose financial circumstances make it difficult for them to pay the fee should contact the school principal to determine options that may exist to address the situation.
When is the "pay to participate" fee due?
Students who tryout and become an official team member will be required to pay the fee prior to the first official contest date in order to remain on the team.
How can a student pay the "pay to participate" fee?
"Pay to participate" fees may be paid using the FCPS Online School Payment System or through the bookkeeper at the student's school.
What happens to a student who fails to pay the "pay to participate" fee?
Students who fail to pay the fee will not be allowed to remain on the team.
Are refunds available for students who are injured during the season or who are dismissed from or quit the team?
No. "Pay to participate" fees are non-refundable.