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Report Cards

Report cards are scheduled to be issued on the following dates for the 2024-25 school year.

  • October 29, 2024
  • January 14, 2025
  • March 17, 2025
  • June 9, 2025

Instructions for Accessing Report Cards

High School Comment Code Definitions

Code Definition
HS001 Student is commended for work and study habits
HS002 Student is commended for consistent making excellent progress
HS003 Student is commended for behavior improvement
HS004 Student is commended for effort, interest and class participation
HS005 Student is commended for class preparation
HS006 Student is commended for outstanding projects/papers
HS007 Student is commended for accepting responsbility
HS008 Student is commended for using time wisely
HS009 Student is commended for completing work to the best of his/her ability
HS010 Student is commended for demonstrating excellent understanding of the subject
HS011 Student is commended for listening and taking notes
HS012 Student is commended for originality and creativity
HS013 Student is commended for expressing ideas well in writing
HS014 Student is commended for expressing ideas well orally
HS015 Student is commended for improvement in work and effort
HS016 Student is commended for working well with others
HS017 Not used
HS018 Student needs improvement in work and study habits
HS019 Student needs improvement in test and quiz scores
HS020 Student needs improvement in classroom behavior
HS021 Student needs improvement in classwork and class participation
HS022 Student needs improvement in bringing proper working materials to class
HS023 Student needs improvement in completing homework/making up missed assignments
HS024 Student needs improvement in asking questions to increase understanding
HS025 Student needs improvement in using time wisely
HS026 Student needs improvement in working to capacity
HS027 Student needs improvement in mastering subject matter
HS028 Student needs improvement in excessive tardiness
HS029 Student needs improvement in absences that are affecting work
HS030 Urgent telephone call/conference requested


Middle School Comment Code Definitions

Code Definition
MS001 Student demonstrates commendable effort
MS002 Student demonstrates good class participation
MS003 Student prepares assignments well
MS004 Student shows improvement in effort
MS005 Student demonstrates creativity and originality
MS006 Student comes to class prepared
MS007 Student works well with others
MS008 Student demonstrates a positive attitude
MS009 Student is courteous and cooperative
MS010 Student uses good work and study skills
MS011 Student shows improvement in conduct and/or attitude
MS012 Student demonstrates outstanding performance
MS013 Student accepts responsibility
MS014 Student uses time wisely
MS015 Student displays inconsistent performance
MS016 Student needs to do required assignments
MS017 Student needs to make up missed assignments
MS018 Student needs improvement in class participation
MS019 Student needs improvement in work and study habits
MS020 Student displays inappropriate conduct and/or attitude
MS021 Student earns low test and/or quiz scores
MS022 Student needs to bring proper working materials to class
MS023 Student needs to use time wisely
MS024 Student is excessively tardy
MS025 Student needs to reduce absences that affect work
MS026 Student needs to use assignment book
MS027 Not used
MS028 Parent/guardian is requested to call
MS029 Parent/guardian is requested to schedule a conference
MS030 Parent/guardian is requested to see attached report


O, S, N Scale

Code Numerical Scale
O - Outstanding 100.00 - 86.50
S - Satisfactory 86.49 - 59.50
N - Needs Improvement 59.49 - 0.00



  • I - Incomplete
  • NG - No Grade Given
  • W - Withdrawn