SOL and VAAP Resources
Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Instruction and Assessment Resources
- SOL Testing Participation and Inclusion - VDOE guidance for SOL assessment and special test accommodations for students with disabilities
- SOL Test Practice Resources - TTAC online compilation of practice assessment resources designed to promote student understanding and fluency with the format, content and skills included in SOL tests
- English SOL Assessment Resources - VDOE English SOL curriculum frameworks, test blueprints and practice items
- Mathematics SOL Assessment Resources - VDOE Mathematics SOL instruction and assessment resources, including ancillary test materials and practice items in TestNav 8
- Math SOL Test Prep: Tricks of the Trade - TTAC online web shop sharing strategies and high leverage practices (HLPs) to prepare students for math SOL tests
- Science SOL Assessment Resources - VDOE Science SOL instruction and assessment resources including practice test items, released SOL tests and item sets, test manipulatives and alternatives to animal dissection
- History and Social Sciences Assessment Resources - VDOE History and Social Sciences SOL assessment practice items and released item sets
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Resources
- New Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Resources - VDOE test administration materials, blueprints, informational webinars, and sample and practice test items for the new 2021-22 VAAP assessment
- VAAP Participation Criteria, Teacher FAQ and VAAP Test Template - VDOE downloadable teacher and IEP team resources for student participation criteria, individual student test plan development and answers to frequently asked VAAP questions